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Get Started With the Toner

The Toner is one of the most versatile Slastix resistance bands available in Stroops’s product line. With this guide, get started on how to set up anchoring for any situation, get started on some exercises, and learn why your resistance band is the best you can get.

What is the Toner?

Regardless of what resistance level you choose, what you get with Toner is a band you can use anywhere and at any time to get a workout for any muscle group.

The Toner is 48 inches long and is equipped with either standard or Textured Grip Handles. There are a number of toner bands available in the fitness space, but what separates the Slastix Toner from the pack is 1) the safety sleeve technology that keeps the band living longer and not snapping dangerously, and 2) quality American-made design and materials.

You can stretch the Toner safely up to 16 feet, so it’ll work well for wrapping around objects as anchors and foot anchoring.

Slastix Toner vs. Other Toner Bands

Slastix Toner vs. other toner bands

The Slastix Toner is built in many ways the same as your conventional toner band—a circular elastic resistance band built with handles on each end. Search for toner bands online and you won’t be able to count the options available, so what makes this one better?

The Toner makes use of the Slastix resistance band technology that CEO Shon Harker patented in the late 90s. By adding a safety sleeve around the circumference of the band, the elastic material is protected from factors that would typically wear it down, such as dust and grime, or cuts, tears, scrapes, and abrasions.

Having the sleeve on the band also protects you from being injured or hurt if the band snaps during a workout. Rather than flying at you, it stays encased in the sleeve. Plus, the defined length of the sleeve gives you a clear point where the band maxes out.

Anchoring with the Toner

Anchoring with the Toner

When using the Toner, the way you anchor it depends on the exercise you’re doing. Stroops offers a wide range of anchors that work well with any band, including the Toner.

NOTE: If you purchased the Toner with Textured Grip Handles, be wary of what kind of anchor you pair it with. As Stroops goes, the diameter of the handle is too wide to loop through the rings of a Spine, Mini Spine, Spine Strap, or Wall Anchor. The thinner standard handle for the Toner works well with any anchor in Stroops’s product line, except for the Spine Strap.

The Toner is still compatible with other anchor types like the Door Anchor or Cloth Anchor. Using these anchors, you’ll be able to customize the line of pull to fit your workout.

If you’re not using a designated anchoring system as mentioned above, the Toner can really be anchored anywhere you can feasibly wrap it around a stationary object, such as a tree, pole, fence link, or anything else.

Many exercises you do, such as bicep curls, will actually use you as the anchor just by standing on the Toner. When doing this, practice with care and avoid stomping on the band or grinding it underfoot. Even with the safety sleeve, it’s important to treat the band with care to prolong its durability.

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