Stroops Tennis
Top spin, top speed, top fitness.

Why Choose Stroops?
Stroops Tennis training solutions are a valuable tool for tennis players looking to improve their strength, agility, and overall performance on the court. We’ve geared our products towards the kind of work you’re actually doing on the court, not just in the gym. Trust Stroops to help you improve your game, feel better, and prevent injuries. It’s the easiest ace you’ll ever serve.
Recommended Products

Built to enhance shoulder strength and mobility, the Cuff Performance is an absolute must-have for tennis players. Using Slastix resistance band technology for maximum safety and performance, you can keep your rotator cuff muscle group flexible and durable for match after match.
Whether using a Fit Stik Pro to power up your swing or Foot Straps to quicken your pace, Stroops manufactures the handles and other attachments that give you the best feel for your sport with comfort, durability and performance. Most attachments are compatible with both resistance bands or cable machines.