Resistance bands are making waves in the fitness industry thanks to the advantage of variable resistance in training. While it’s great to see low-impact strength training become more popular, you’ll learn how quickly a well-used resistance band can degrade. Resistance band maintenance is an important thing to learn in order to keep bands from breaking.
Here are 4 ways to make your resistance bands last longer:
1. Clean your resistance bands regularly
Resistance bands take a lot of punishment in a typical workout atmosphere. They can get stepped on, dragged, and rolled into the ground among other things. This can get them pretty dirty.
The best way to clean resistance bands is by rinsing them down with warm-to-hot water. Afterwards, dry them off with a towel. In order to prevent more stress on the bands, pat them dry rather than running the towel down the surface.
IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should you use soap when cleaning a band. Soap contains chemicals that are liable to dry out the latex (kind of like how your skin can feel dry after a shower). This can make the surface of the band more brittle and susceptible to tearing or cracking easier.
The best way to finish off cleaning is with a disinfectant spray or some sanitizer. Do this at least every 1-2 weeks if you’re training regularly.

2. Store bands away from sunlight.
Soap isn’t the only thing that can corrode the surface of a resistance band. Excessive sun exposure can and will degrade it by drying it out and making it more brittle. The more a band tears on the surface, the less resistance it offers. That leads to having to pull it longer, thus leading to a quicker break.
Don’t leave resistance bands laying out after a workout. Store them on a rack or somewhere where it won’t be exposed to light, such as a closet. You can also keep them stored in a bag as most bands are short enough to fit inside even a small backpack.
3. Designate training zones.
The purpose of training zones in resistance training is to prevent the most common killer of elastic bands—hyperextension. It’s also a common precursor to injury during use. Stretching your band over its max capacity wears it out extremely quickly and will eventually break it.
The best method of preventing this is training zones. Designating training zones shows how far your band can safely stretch and what areas you can work inside of. We recommend designating a safety zone, training zone, and danger zone as shown in the video seen here. You can help your bands last longer as you are more careful when using them.

4. Sleeved resistance bands
We saved the best for last.
The best way to make your resistance band last longer is to invest in a better band design. Sleeved bands, such as Slastix resistance bands, eliminate a lot of the hassle of caring for the band.
Sleeved bands naturally have protection from sunlight and dirt buildup. The sleeve also helps to better define training zones. For most sleeved bands, like Slastix, you can easily identify the max capacity of your band’s stretch by noting when the sleeve has fully straightened out.
In many ways, sleeved resistance bands are just the better way to go. The only real reason not to buy them over the regular unprotected band is either not knowing it’s an option or you don’t want to pay more. If you’re reading this, now you know it’s an option.
Price may be a legitimate concern, but ultimately you may save more money by not having to replace broken bands. Not to mention, you won’t have to worry about potentially taking a snapped band to your face or body.

Wrap It Up
Maintaining the quality of your resistance bands is about more than just product care. You’re also preventing yourself from being harmed by snapping or breaking bands during use. Make sure to keep your bands clean and out of direct sunlight. Take care to mark off your training zones during your workout.
And ultimately, if you want the best long-term solution, make sleeved resistance bands a part of your collection.