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Motivation Monday: Carmelo Anthony’s Inspiring Quote

To achieve dreams, you have to reach goals. To reach goals, you have to fulfill plans. Then, to fulfill plans, you have to make the right choices. When it comes to making the right choices, one of those is how you start your day. The mindset of whether you’ll go for your goals or “wait until tomorrow” is the key point of this inspirational quote by NBA all-time great Carmelo Anthony:

NBA player Carmelo Anthony

“Every morning, you have two choices; continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

Anthony retired officially from the NBA in May of 2023. He won a national championship in college while playing his freshman year at Syracuse University in 2002-03. He was phenomenal there and went on to play 19 seasons in the NBA for multiple teams, mostly with the Denver Nuggets and New York Knicks. By the end of his career, he was ninth all-time in scoring with 28,289 points.

Anthony’s inspirational advice highlights just how important it is to make daily, sometimes even hourly, choices to work towards your goal and avoid being complacent.

Are you “sleeping with your dreams” of being fitter and stronger?

Carmelo’s quote has two poignant sides to it, the first being where many people start out: they’re asleep. Are you “sleeping with your dreams?” Are you laying down not moving, entertaining visions of things that seem impossible?

As you set goals for your fitness journey, your efforts need to match your aspirations. Here’s some signs you may be “sleeping with your dreams”:

1. You haven’t attained any goals you’ve set for yourself.

2. Your goals don’t have any plans attached to them; you haven’t thought about the “how” of your goal-setting.

3. The goal you dream of obtaining often comes with reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t attain it.

If these things describe your feelings about your goals and dreams, it’s time to wake up.

Chasing your dreams (and actually catching them!)

Success in your fitness journey begins with the choice to put in the effort. However, of course, there is more to do once you’ve made that choice. Carmelo Anthony’s inspirational quote is a starting point telling you that your desire to reach your goals needs to be action-oriented.

In order to put action into your desire to chase your dreams, start with SMART goal-setting. SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. They are the most widely-taught form of effective goal-setting. Here’s another blog teaching how to set and follow SMART goals.

Ultimately, one of the biggest things to remember when striving to reach your fitness goals is to never give up! It’s virtually never and straight climb upward, and your setbacks may tempt you to abandon pursuit. DON’T!

Motivated to exercise.

Wrap It Up

In the journey towards realizing your dreams, every step counts. It’s not just about the dreams themselves, but the choices you make every morning that shape the trajectory of your aspirations. Carmelo Anthony’s inspiring quote encapsulates this truth, reminding us that we hold the power to decide whether we continue to slumber within the confines of our dreams or awaken to chase them with fervor.

Follow our blog every Monday for more motivation to chase your dreams!


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