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How to Lose Weight With Resistance Bands in 2024

Losing weight with resistance bands is an effective and versatile approach to fitness. With the arrival of the new year, if weight loss is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, you ought to consider training with bands to improve the results you see and get a better start on your fitness journey. If you want to know how to lose weight using resistance bands, we’ve got you covered.

There are a number of ways to use resistance bands. Keep these principles in mind if you want your resistance training to help take the pounds off.

1. Full-Body Workouts

Instead of focusing solely on specific muscle groups, opt for full-body resistance band workouts. This will help you maximize the amount of calories you burn and improve your overall fitness.

The best part of full-body workouts is they don’t need to take a long time. Targeting specific muscles is good for when you’re working on strengthening that muscle group, but it can take a long time.

Getting a Full-body Workout with the Loop

The goal with a full-body workout is to broaden the scope of how much of your body is exercising. Therefore, a 30-minute workout hitting all parts of your body can go a long way if you’re consistent with it. The bands introduce constant tension, challenging your muscles throughout the entire range of motion, leading to increased calorie-burning. Additionally, they enhance your cardiovascular health, contributing to a more robust overall fitness profile. Incorporating compound movements like squats, lunges, and rows with resistance bands ensures that no muscle group is left untouched, making your weight loss journey more comprehensive and, dare we say, enjoyable.

Stroops trainer James doing VITL plank punches

2. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Incorporate HIIT into your resistance band routine. Short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief rest periods can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss. This form of exercise is another great one that doesn’t take up too much of your day.

HIIT workouts commonly only need to go for 20-30 minutes, and you’ll have your heart pumping the whole way through.

Integrating resistance bands into HIIT amplifies the challenge and effectiveness. The bands add resistance to explosive movements, intensifying muscle engagement and calorie expenditure.

These short, high-energy intervals induce the “afterburn” effect, where your body continues to burn calories post-workout due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Because HIIT workouts move so fast, using weights to challenge your body can be logistically difficult. Resistance bands are lightweight and versatile, so it becomes pretty simple and smooth involving them in each exercise. This combination of cardiovascular and strength training in a time-efficient manner makes HIIT with resistance bands a potent tool for shedding pounds and achieving sustainable weight loss goals.

3. Cardio, Cardio, Cardio

Get your heart pumping, how many more times should we say it? Incorporating resistance bands into cardiovascular exercise is both easy and effective for burning off those calories. Cardiovascular exercises with resistance bands constitute an impactful strategy for weight loss. The bands introduce resistance to traditional cardio movements, boosting the challenge and enhancing calorie burn.

Doing cardio with resistance bands not only elevates the heart rate but also promotes muscle development, contributing to an efficient calorie-burning process. Resistance bands offer versatility in cardio workouts, allowing you to experiment with different movements and create a diversified routine. The increased resistance prompts your body to work harder, fostering a more effective cardiovascular system. Perform exercises like jumping jacks, high knees, or mountain climbers to elevate your heart rate and burn more calories.

4. Engage Core Muscles

In whatever kind of exercise you do, if your goal is to lose weight, the most important muscles to target are in your core. The core abdominal muscles are the area of your body that will often store excess fat more than any other place. By working on this area, not only can you specifically blast that fat away, but the calorie-burning effects spread outward from your core to the rest of your body.

Don’t get us wrong, core workouts aren’t a surefire solution to burn calories and excess fat in every part of your body equally. You still might need to try targeting specific areas you need more work on. That said, working the core is always the best place to start and may be the best way to spend most of your time.

Stroops trainer JC doing resistance 90 band core rotations

The way to use resistance bands in core workouts varies by exercise. Typically speaking, the band is going to work against the weight of your body, requiring you to engage your muscles for more strength and stability. By keeping your core muscles engaged throughout your various non-isolation exercises, you’ll get a better, more rapid burn and highly intensify your workout.

Wrapping It Up

We know you want that weight off, and there are plenty of ays to do it. By incorporating resistance bands into your training, you’ll intensify your calorie burn in a big way and see great results. Happy training day! We’re excited for you!

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