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4 At-Home Cardio Solutions For You To Try This Winter Season

We get it. You looked out the window this morning, saw the blinding white of snowfall and the cold gray in the air, and you immediately canceled your morning run. You saw someone decked out in winter gear getting a slow jog down the road and concluded they must be insane, right?

We’re not out to talk down those winter warriors. However, braving bitter cold and adverse weather while wearing cumbersome winter clothes may not sound like your idea of a great morning, and you’re not alone. If so, it’s probably time to look at some at-home cardio training ideas that can get your heart rate going without having to brave the elements.

Studies have indicated that society at large works out less in the wintertime, something that’s been observed since the 1970s. Here are some ways you can keep your cardio going through the winter months and stay fit when spring rolls around.

Follow At-Home Cardio Workouts Online

Did you know there are over 30 million workout or fitness videos on YouTube alone? The vast majority of those are trainers instructing you how to work out right at home.

Numerous fitness experts and platforms offer a variety of at-home cardio routines. From dance workouts to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions, you can choose the workout that suits your preferences and fitness level. Follow along with virtual instructors who guide you through each exercise, making it feel like a personal training session in the comfort of your living room.

Outside of YT, Stroops has an entire library of exercise instructional videos and full-on workouts in the Training Room.

Stroops athlete running on Optimill

Get a Quality, Low-Impact Treadmill

Investing in a quality, low-impact treadmill can be a game-changer for your winter workouts. Treadmills have a lot of variety on the market, so keep a good idea of what you’re looking for. It’s not a cheap buy; make it right.

The reason we say “low-impact” is because many athletes have found over the years that conventional treadmill designs of just a moving belt can wear down joints and cause pain over time. Consider purchasing a treadmill with a shock-absorbent slat belt that makes for a smoother running surface.

Many modern treadmills come equipped with interactive features, but whether you really need them is up to you. Whether you prefer a brisk walk or a challenging run, a treadmill provides a versatile and weather-independent option for at-home cardio.

Young woman doing at-home cardio through HIIT

Start Doing HIIT Training

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a time-efficient and effective way to elevate your heart rate and burn calories. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity activity.

You can tailor your HIIT routine to suit your fitness level and available time. Bodyweight exercises like jumping jacks, burpees, and mountain climbers are excellent for at-home HIIT workouts. Not only does HIIT boost cardiovascular fitness, but it also continues to burn calories even after you’ve finished the workout.

Check out this blog on how HIIT works with resistance bands. Speaking of which…

Stroops trainer Aly doing a resisted facepull from home

Work Out With Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are versatile tools that add an element of strength training to your cardio routine. Incorporating resistance bands into exercises like squats, lunges, or standing leg lifts engages multiple muscle groups, providing a full-body workout. Their compact size and portability make resistance bands ideal for at-home use.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, resistance bands offer adjustable resistance levels to accommodate different fitness levels. Plus, they’re easy to integrate into various cardio exercises, adding a new dimension to your winter workout routine.

When working out at home, safety is key. Make sure the bands you use are in good condition and able to prevent accidents in the case of breakage or snapping, such as the Slastix resistance band.

Wrapping It Up

As the winter chill sets in, there’s no need to sacrifice your cardio routine. Embrace the convenience of at-home workouts to maintain your fitness journey. Whether you’re following online workouts, investing in a treadmill, incorporating HIIT training, or working out with resistance bands, staying active indoors can be just as effective and enjoyable.

Find the at-home cardio methods that resonate with you, and make winter the season of fitness progress.

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