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Stroops Coach:
Kimberly Tall

Stroops trainer Kimberly pointing at the camera

Kimberly Tall

My name is Kimberly Tall. I was born in Idaho, and attended Utah State where I taught yoga and worked in physical therapy as I got my B.S. in Human Movement Science. My husband and I moved to the Bay Area after college where I worked as a personal trainer manager, group fitness instructor, and educator for a company called Equinox. I love to really nerd out on all things fitness and nutrition! I like to keep my workouts well-rounded and keep it fresh by trying new things often. I am a mom of three small kids and that’s what really drives me to make fitness a priority- I have to be able to keep up!

Meet Kimberly

Q: What motivates you to stay fit?

I stay fit, because I can! I am grateful to have a strong working body and I will not take it for granted. I will continue staying fit so my body continues to work efficiently.


Q: What is your favorite type of workout?

Hiking and yoga have my whole heart!


Q: What is your best piece of fitness advice?

Balance and moderation is everything. It doesn’t have to be all in, 100% or nothing. Find something you love and do it often.


Q: Why do you use Stroops?

Stroops does it all! I love the VITL Kit and feel like it is the most comprehensive home workout equipment I have ever used!